it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you do something. CONSISTENCY IS ALL THAT MATTERS.


  • Movement

    If you move every day, then how much you do doesn’t matter. Make health non-negotiable. Build strength over time. Do yoga. Learn how to walk and run. Avoid injury. Focus on sleep, rest, and recovery.

  • Nutrition

    Gain control over your intake. Build a relationship with food based on knowledge and science. Build a strong body and calm mind. Reduce your chances of injury & illness. Live a healthy life. Spend as long as possible in nature.

  • Mindset

    Understand your mind. Get to know each other. Meditate because it works. Reframe your sense of self and remove self-comparison with others. Build & maintain healthy relationships. Reduce stress and be calm.

  • Cold & hot

    Spending time in cold water will change your life. Fact.

  • Do Hard Things

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  • Consistency

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